Use this as a devotional for the Day after Christmas with your household.
The Scripture
All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’).
-Isaiah 7:14
The Story
After Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they were separated from God; he no longer walked with them in the evenings. From then on, emptiness could be felt because of mankind’s longing for God’s presence. Because of this, Isaiah’s message must have been so exciting to God’s people!
Isaiah spoke of the promised Savior’s arrival, calling Jesus “Immanuel,” or “God with Us.” In the past, God’s people could only approach God through the priests and sacrifices. But Immanuel (Jesus) would be approachable. His presence would be felt every day.
God loved us so much that he sent Jesus to free us from sin through Jesus’ death on the cross. This allows us to have an unhindered relationship with God and to experience God’s presence in our lives each and every day! Because we know God is with us, we can fully rely on Him, no matter what comes our way.
Even though we can’t see Him, how is God with us every day?
When have you personally felt God was with you?
What happens when we forget God is with us?
What will you do to keep walking with Jesus each and every day?
Pull out your calendar. As a family, decide some times this year to go serve somewhere together.
Go through your closets, playrooms, hobby areas and see if you have anything you don’t use, wear, etc. that is still in good shape. Take it with you as you serve or to Carriage Town, the River, or another ministry to give to someone in need.
Brainstorm ideas you as a household will study this year.
Choose a time each day, week or month to do devotions.
Make a pouch for your frog by stapling a half plate to the bottom of a full plate.
As you make your frogs, write F.R.O.G. on them. Explain that this stands for Fully Rely On God. Discuss together how in every situation, whether good or bad, God is with us, helping us carry the load.
Whenever things are tough and you need God to help you carry the load, write out your need and put it in the pouch. Pray over the notes each night before bed, asking God to help you rely on Him.
Devotional Resources
Continue to study the Word of God with your household throughout the year.
Day-By-Day Begin to Read Bible--Henley
The Bible App For Kids
Day-By-Day Kids Bible--Henley
Recommended Bible Versions
K-3rd Grade (NIrV)
4th-5th Grade (NIV)
The Simple Truth Devotional--group.com
Experiencing God--Blackaby
A Daughter’s Worth--Sturgeon
Every Young Woman’s Battle--Arterburn
Every Young Man’s Battle--Arterburn
Christianity 101: Foundations--Rock Church Resource
Experiencing God--Blackaby
Act Like Men: 40 Days to Biblical Manhood--MacDonald
Streams in the Dessert--Cowman & Reimann