Since May, we have had several meetings together discussing ministry during the pandemic, gathering potential and timeline, overall health and needs of the congregation and staff, unique opportunities during this season and continual progress for the Box initiative. As always, you are welcome to reach out for any questions regarding these topics in more detail.
Specific Discussion Topics:
Worship Music
Earlier this year, Lyndsay Hudgens approached the Elder team with some questions and concerns regarding the use of songs on weekend gatherings. The concern that kept coming up is that by singing songs written and promoted by certain worship teams, we may be pointing people toward the teaching of those churches, some of which it has been speculated may be preaching a different Gospel than the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. The choosing of these songs is an area that we want to be faithful in, but have found the decision difficult to wrestle down.
After much discussion and prayer over several sessions, we have come to a unified conclusion, by what we believe to be a leading of the Holy Spirit. We have decided to remove music from our gatherings and events that is generated from active and influential heretical, or questionable and suspect ministries, where a different Jesus/Gospel may be being preached. (2 Corinthians 11:14; Galatians 1:6-9) Our heart behind this directive is, to the best of our ability, limit funding or digital pointing that may otherwise be funneled toward these active ministries, as to not create a stumbling block to the pure and simple Gospel message.
As a result of this conclusion, we believe it best that we no longer sing songs by Bethel Music, Hillsong, or Elevation Worship. Not because the songs aren’t good, not because the songs aren’t theologically sound, but because these ministries are seen to be “questionable or suspect.”
Lyndsay is in full support of this decision and desires to be diligent in the songs that we sing and never risk causing believers to stumble or be pulled into ministries that could cause them to misunderstand who Jesus is or the simple Gospel message that He offers. Not every single one of these decisions will be so cut & dry. There are definitely some gray areas, but we’re trying. And we will continue to do our best in caring for the church that God has entrusted to us to serve.
Anointing with Oil
The church will often receive requests to pray over someone who is sick and to anoint them with oil. This comes from James 5:14. For several years, we have done this because it is our desire to care for people. In an effort to always search the scriptures before taking action, we wanted to take a deeper look at this as an elder team and make sure we were unified going forward.
In this passage, the sickness may refer to a physical ailment, sometimes brought on by sin, but not necessarily the case. It does refer to a long suffering type of illness as opposed to a minor cold/ flu or similar.
The purpose of the oil could be for actual medicinal purposes that can heal the ailment as it is absorbed. It may also represent a ceremonial anointing that many would interpret as the power of the Holy Spirit. (Mark 6:13)
While it remains unclear exactly what this scenario should look like today, it is clear that calling for the elders of the church to pray is honoring to the scriptures and shows a submission to God’s will over our own. We do not believe there is any extra power in the prayer of the elders, just a unified calling on the Lord.
After much discussion about the interpretation and practical application of this text (James 5:14), it was decided that it be left to the discretion of each elder whether an anointing with oil would be appropriate on a per case basis. The team decided in unity that this would be our response to specific requests and always coupled with a further explanation of the text specific to God’s judgment on sin, His encouragement that we confess it to one another, and of the various interpretations of this particular text.
Ongoing Discussion
We will continue to revisit other major topics such has deacons, marriage, divorce and remarriage. We have talked about these at great lengths and will post information when we are able to come to a unified understanding.
While many things during this season have been different and unpredictable, we are extremely grateful as a church to celebrate a budget that is right on pace with the 2020 projections. We are thankful for faithful stewards among the body.
Rock Staff
Over the last few months we have been blessed with a few new additions to our team, and have already seen the effectiveness of their gifting and calling in ministry.
Todd Deering- Production Director
Michael Fitzgerald- Youth Director
Angela Bigard- Executive assistant
Michigan Shoreline Tour
During the month of August, we were able to take a team around the great state of Michigan to perform music for the community and proclaim the Gospel to several hundreds of people. We went to 5 different cities in 6 nights and were grateful for the turnout and the response. Our goal is to be able to share hope with those that don’t know Jesus, but to also provide resources after we are gone. For more info visit:
Midweek launch
All of our midweek ministries are in full swing now that fall is here. They may not all look exactly like they did last year, but we certainly have reason to celebrate continued discipleship within the body. For more info, check our newly updated website at
Outdoor Gathering
We are excited to announce that we will be gathering for weekend service again beginning on October 4th at 10am.
For all the details click here (add link to Q n A email)
I want to encourage everyone to continue pressing on, continue in discipleship, and join us in prayer. Thank you for your faithfulness! Philippians 3:12-16
On behalf of the Rock Elder Team,
Scott Johnson