No Excuses-Not just hearer…I am a doer

Theme Overview

Followers of Jesus have a few very clear commands. Scripture dictates that as believers, our primary purpose is to be and make disciples. As disciples of Jesus, we are commanded to love God and love others. While on the surface these commands seem simple, many of us aren’t quite living like true disciples. While we say we love God and may truly want to show that to others, our lives reflect a different set of priorities. 

When confronted about our lack of spiritual growth or shortcomings as representatives of Jesus, more times than not, we are quick to come up with a reason our lives don’t look like they should. 

  • We’re too busy and don’t have time to read our Bibles. 

  • We can’t be at church because a practice is mandatory or we simply have to work. 

  • We can’t possibly share Jesus with others because we just don’t know what to say. 

But what are these reasons really? Excuses. 

No matter how strong or valid the excuse seems, it is still just an excuse. The truth is, if we aren’t living as disciples who love God, love others, and make disciples, we are choosing to prioritize other things before God. So what’s the fix? How can we grow beyond just saying we love God to actually living it out? How do our lives become shaped into something that is undoubtedly Jesus-focused? 

It’s time to get disciplined. The word disciple shares the same root word as the word discipline. Disciples are students of what or who they follow. Discipline is the training and instruction a student receives. The difference between someone who says they’re good at something and a person who is good at something is training, practice, and hard work. They put in the work even when they don’t feel like it. In other words, the only way to become mature or skilled in anything is discipline

How do followers of Jesus become mature disciples? They stop making excuses and they become disciplined. 

It’s time to put away the excuses and to stop trying to fool others into thinking that we are “okay” and “on track” with this whole “Jesus thing” even though our lives don’t bear fruit. It’s time to truly put Jesus first and shape up as we shape into people who are unmistakably about the Gospel and God’s glory. Let’s stop talking about and let’s do it. 

James 1:22 says, But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. Join us as we study the disciplines outlined by God’s Word and commit to not being just a hearer any longer. No excuses: be a doer.