#GOALS: Obedience Goals

Psalm 119:105 | Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

Psalm 119:11 | I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

  • How have you done with obeying God’s Word this last year? Where did you struggle the most?

  • What does it mean that God’s Word, or the Bible, is like a lamp/light for our feet/path?

  • How does memorizing the Bible guard again sin?

  • Spend some time thinking about your obedience goals for this year —

      • How will you use the Bible as a guide for your life?

      • How will you make sure you’re applying the Bible and obeying its directions?

      • How will you use the verses you’ve memorized to guard against sin?

  • Share your obedience goals will someone today! Ask for their help staying accountable and offer to be that accountability for them too.