Each January, it's natural to think about goals for the year ahead. You might have goals about your health, finances, family, or leisure. But what should our spiritual goals be? 

Paul gives us some good ideas—

Colossians 1:9b-10 | We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.

What is Paul saying?

He wants God’s followers to know and understand what God wants them to do. This is in part because they ask God and hear His response (in prayer, scripture, and through other believers), but also because they’ve gotten to know God better and better — they know what He’s like and how He would respond.

This results in a fruitful life that is constantly growing. Growing spiritually should be our goal this year. How can we do this? 

  1. Pray — Following Jesus requires a relationship with God. A relationship is fostered through time and communication. Set some real goals for your prayer life this year.

  2. Read the Bible — God has revealed Himself to us through His Word. It is powerful and holds the keys to how we should live and what truly matters. Read God’s Word relentlessly this year.

  3. Obey God’s Word — God’s followers don’t just know what His Word says, they do it. God desires our obedience. Commit to walking God’s way this year.

  4. Go to Church — Fellowship with other believers is a Biblical mandate. We hear from God through other believers and when we are around other followers of Christ, the Holy Spirit corrects, encourages, and fills us. Make going to church a priority this year.

  5. Witness — Telling others about Christ is part of our purpose as God’s followers. We’ve been entrusted with the message of hope through Jesus — don’t keep it to yourself this year!

  6. Serve — Serving God and others is just as much a part of our purpose as witnessing is. God created you with gifts and talents — wiring you to serve. Don’t neglect serving God and others this year!

Join us each day this week as we dig into these goals deeper. Don’t waste January with goals about things that are fleeting — focus on ones that bear fruit for eternity. 

1st Timothy 4:8 | Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.

  • How did you grow spiritually last year?

  • What are some goals you have for this year — both spiritual and not spiritual?

  • How will you reach your spiritual goals? What action and/or sacrifice will they require?

  • Who can help keep you accountable regarding your spiritual goals? Share your goals with them and ask for their help!