Journey--Be remarkable: Citizens of heaven

Philippians 3:20 | But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. 

Citizen: A member of a location or town who owes allegiance (obedience and respect) to that place and is given the freedoms, privileges, and protections that come as a citizen/member of that place. 

  • What does it mean to be a citizen of Heaven? 

    • What does allegiance to Heaven look like? 

    • What freedoms, privileges, and protections come with being a citizen of Heaven? 

  • Physically, you are a temporary resident of this world. How does that compete with your heavenly citizenship? How does your temporary residence make it difficult to think of yourself as a citizen of Heaven? 

  • How should a citizen of Heaven look different from a citizen of the United States or other worldly places? Are these things true of your life?