The Growing Seed: Don't give up

Galatians 6:9 | And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

  • As a person shares the Good News of Jesus with others, why might they grow weary or tired?

  • Why shouldn’t they give up sharing the Gospel, even if a person rejects it over and over again?

  • Who are you sharing the Gospel with (or who do you need to share the Gospel with)? Have they rejected it? How will you keep planting seeds?

  • Do you ever grow tired of studying the Bible and struggling to understand it or live it out? When?

  • What other things do you get weary of as a follower of God? How will you remember to not give up?

  • Do you know anyone who might be weary of doing good? Encourage them today!