PRAYER - Hezekiah’s prayer for deliverance

In 2nd Kings 18, we see the takeover of Hezekiah as King of Judah. Hezekiah works hard to remove the altars to false gods and to turn God’s people back to Him. 14 years into his reign, Hezekiah is attacked by Assyria, who conquers several cities in Judah. The King of Assyria refuses to leave and Hezekiah is in what seems like an impossible situation. He doesn’t have enough money to get the King of Assyria to recall his men and he doesn’t have enough warriors to defeat the Assyrian army. To make matters worse, the Assyrians taunt Hezekiah for his trust in God. Hezekiah does the only thing he can— 

2 Kings 19:14-16 | After Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers and read it, he went up to the Lord’s Temple and spread it out before the Lord. And Hezekiah prayed this prayer before the Lord: “O Lord, God of Israel, you are enthroned between the mighty cherubim! You alone are God of all the kingdoms of the earth. You alone created the heavens and the earth. Bend down, O Lord, and listen! Open your eyes, O Lord, and see! Listen to Sennacherib’s words of defiance against the living God. 

How does the Lord answer Hezekiah’s prayer? 

2 Kings 19:35-36 | That night the angel of the Lord went out to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. When the surviving Assyrians woke up the next morning, they found corpses everywhere. Then King Sennacherib of Assyria broke camp and returned to his own land. He went home to his capital of Nineveh and stayed there.

  • Where is Hezekiah’s faith or trust? How can you tell?

  • How does God show His Unstoppable Power in Hezekiah’s story?

  • When you are struggling, do you go straight to God in prayer? If not, what do you do first?

  • Where do you need God’s help right now? Spend some time praying to Him today for His help. Let us know how we can pray for you too - PLEASE PRAY FOR ME