Crossroads: Paul in Athens

What’s the last choice you made? Most likely, it was whether or not to read this devo or where to focus your time with the Lord. Each choice we make is preceded by an opportunity. It’s a crossroads where you must decide which direction you’ll travel next. 

Some of these crossroads are of little spiritual consequence — Will you follow the road that leads to another episode of your favorite show or extra sleep? Will you eat an apple or a bag of chips? 

But spiritually speaking, God fills our days with opportunities that are a crossroad where we must decide — will I point someone to Jesus in this moment or will I hide my light? Should I close my eyes and pray before I eat my lunch in front of others or should I just pray in a way no one notices? When someone shares a struggle with me, should I stop and share the hope of Christ with them or should I just tell them I hope the situation gets better? When my boss asks me to do something that is ethically questionable, should I do it or speak up for what God says is right? 

In many opportunities, taking the road that leads to the cross and points others to Jesus is not easy! It might feel awkward, tempt you to feel embarrassed, or even cost you a friend, job, or personal pleasure. But the crossroad is a critical moment where we have an opportunity to do what God has called us to do. 

In the book of Acts Paul travels and shares the good news of Jesus all over the place! There are people who don’t like his message so they stir up trouble for him everywhere he goes. This happens just before where we pick up today. The believers there in Berea send Paul out of town quickly to keep him safe. In the rush of things, Paul ends up in Athens and that’s where we join him today. 

In Athens, Paul is just waiting for Timothy and Silas to join Him (Acts 17:15-16) so they can move on spreading the good news together. This is a place that Paul most likely hadn’t been to before and while He was there, he went exploring. 

Acts 17:16 | While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was deeply troubled by all the idols he saw everywhere in the city. 

Paul is so concerned about the Athenians worshiping false gods that he gathers the leaders of Athens together to speak about it, even though doing so could just get him in trouble. 

Acts 17:22-23a | So Paul, standing before the council, addressed them as follows: “Men of Athens, I notice that you are very religious in every way, for as I was walking along I saw your many shrines. And one of your altars had this inscription on it: ‘To an Unknown God…’ 

The Athenians had many different shrines, but apparently, they wanted to cover all their bases by making sure they had an altar to any god they had overlooked. Paul sees this as an opportunity and he seizes it! He says—

Acts 17:23b | This God, whom you worship without knowing, is the one I’m telling you about.

Paul tells the Athenian leaders about the One, True God. He explains Him as Creator and Jesus as Savior. Paul tells them—

Acts 17:30b | …now he commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him.

Paul wasn’t even supposed to be in Athens. He was there for his safety because the situation in Berea was dangerous for him. He could have looked at Athens as just the chance for a vacation and sightseeing, but instead, he decides to make the most of the opportunity. Despite the danger, at the crossroads, Paul chooses to point people straight to the cross. Because of it—

Acts 17:32-34a | When they heard Paul speak about the resurrection of the dead, some laughed in contempt, but others said, “We want to hear more about this later.” That ended Paul’s discussion with them, but some joined him and became believers. 

This week, you might be up to your normal routine at work, school, or home, or you might be on vacation out of town or at places around town that you don’t usually have time for. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, look for the crossroads — the opportunity to share Jesus or to hide your light. Like Paul, meet people right where they are and as you do, point them straight to the cross. 

Friend, the day is filled with opportunities — make the most of them! 

Ephesians 5:16 | Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.

  • What crossroad was Paul at in Athens when he saw the altar to the unknown god?

  • How did Paul make the most of the opportunity he had in Athens?

  • Have you ever had an opportunity like Paul did - where you could use something about a person or their situation to share the gospel? What did you do as a response?

  • What opportunities might you have [to point others to Jesus] today? This week? Ask the Lord to give you boldness at the crossroads so that you don’t hide your light and instead, you use the moment to point others to Christ.