The God of Jacob

I have two succulent plants that are about four years old. They were given to me by a family member and at the time they were so small they could fit into the palm of my hand.  They are absolutely beautiful! I placed them on a shelf in my bathroom near my shower.

However, it's been four years.... and they are still the same size.  You see, all plants at my house have a major struggle.  Me. I kill plants.  It's definitely not intentional. I forget to water them, or I water them too much and drown them.

This morning I realized that one of them had grown one solitary, freakishly long, scrawny little arm toward the shower, a pitiful attempt to soak up as much humidity as it could in an effort to keep itself alive another week.
I immediately watered it with a twinge of guilt.

It struck me that there have been seasons in my life, even one that I'm currently in, where I feel like all I can do is stick out my one, freakishly long, scrawny arm for nourishment from the Lord to make it one more week.

For those of us who are caught up in a season of trials and tribulations, or find ourselves in a spiritual dry spell, we have this encouragement from Scripture: 

Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help,
Whose hope is in the Lord.
Psalm 146:5

We can find happiness, for we have the God of Jacob as our help! Praise the Lord!  We are able to ask the Lord to come and flood our shriveled hearts with streams of Living Water. Our God will be our refuge and our help as we remember to invite Him to be the One who strengthens our weak arms. Our dry hearts. Our weary souls. Be encouraged today to lift your eyes up to where your help comes from.

Jenn Bullinger