Shoes of peace: Go!

Mark 16:15 | And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”

  • To whom have you been instructed to take the Good News to? 

    • Who have you already shared the Good News with? 

    • Who do you still need to tell? 

    • When will you share the Good News with them? 

  • Is there anyone you aren’t called to share the Good News of Jesus with? 

    • With this in mind, how can you make sure you’re wearing the Shoes of Peace no matter where you go? 

    • What does wearing Shoes of Peace look like in public places among strangers, like the grocery store, park, mall, etc.?

    • What does wearing Shoes of Peace look like at work, school, or in your neighborhood?

    • What does wearing Shoes of Peace look like when you’re with your family?

    • In which of these settings will you commit to wearing the Shoes of Peace?