Shamgar & The Ox Goad

Our theme verse as we explore the stories of the flawed heroes of Judges is —

1st Corinthians 1:27 | Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.

God can surely use simple, rudimentary, everyday people and things to show His power and to build His kingdom. Last week, we saw this as God used an everyday guy — Othniel — in an extraordinary way. This week, in just one short verse, we see God use an everyday thing to do something extraordinary once again. 

The single verse in Judges about Shamgar says— 

Judges 3:31 | After Ehud, Shamgar son of Anath rescued Israel. He once killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad.

Shamgar has this incredible victory — defeating 600 Philistines single handedly with an ox goad. This ox goad was a common tool use by cattle farmers to drive, or intentionally move, cattle. Shamgar’s oxgoad was likely a long stick that ended with a point used to motivate the oxen to obey their driver. 

Shamgar’s weapon would have paled in comparison to the weapons wielded by the Philistines, who were considered advanced blacksmiths. The Philistines protected their weapon work and prevented the Israelites from obtaining their technology (1st Samuel 13:19-22). 

But God uses this ordinary man — Shamgar— with an ordinary tool — a cattle prod — to do something miraculous. Shamgar, with his foolish weapon, is a formidable foe who conquers Israel’s enemy. Through Shamgar, Israel’s notorious third judge, God rescues his people. 

What can we learn from this one short verse about Israel’s third judge? Imagine if this story was tweaked just a bit… if Shamgar said, “all I have is an ox goad… surely God will use something grander.” Often people feel like what they have or who they are isn’t enough. There is something better, someone smarter, or someone else who is more qualified. But Shamgar, raised by God as a judge, went to battle with merely an ox goad. That simple, seemingly foolish tool fully surrendered to God was all that was needed, because —

Matthew 19:26b | “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”

Have you offered who you are, what you can do, and what you have to the Lord? God can miraculously use any tool that is fully surrendered to Him. 

  • Does it surprise you that God could use Shamgar and his ox goad to defeat the Philistines? Why or why not?

  • What “tools” has God given you? [Your tools are who you are, what you can do, and what you have].

      • Which of these things have you surrendered to the Lord for His use?

      • Which ones haven’t you surrendered? Why?

  • Do you ever feel like your “tools” aren’t good enough for God to use them, like maybe someone else is more qualified or effective? When? Why?

  • If God can use Shamgar and an ox goad, can He use you and your tools? If no, why not? If yes, how will you offer your tools for God’s use?