Promise Keeper: Jacob- Undeserved Promises: When God’s promises seem impossible

Even if you don’t feel it, his promises are true–

This Psalm is written by a man named Ethan who spends the chapter proclaiming God’s faithfulness and His promises to David about an everlasting King. While we don’t know exactly what is going on, things aren’t going well at this time for Israel and Ethan is calling out to God for help. 

Psalm 89:49 | Lord, where is your unfailing love? You promised it to David with a faithful pledge.

  • How does Ethan feel? 

    • Have you ever felt like the Psalmist does here? When? Why? 

  • Read the paragraph above or all of Psalm 89. While feeling alone or discouraged, what does Ethan do? 

    • What does He proclaim to others about God? 

      • How might this help? 

    • What does He cry out to God? 

      • How might this help? 

  • What can you learn from Ethan’s example in Psalm 89?