Promise Keeper: Moses & the burning bush: God uses/saves us anyway [for His glory]

Psalm 106:6-8 | Like our ancestors, we have sinned. We have done wrong! We have acted wickedly! Our ancestors in Egypt were not impressed by the Lord’s miraculous deeds. They soon forgot his many acts of kindness to them. Instead, they rebelled against him at the Red Sea. Even so, he saved them— to defend the honor of his name and to demonstrate his mighty power.

  • What did the Israelites do wrong in Egypt and the wilderness? 

  • According to today’s passage, even though the Israelites sinned and were ungrateful, what did He do anyway? Why? 

  • Do you ever wonder why God blesses people who have sinned against Him? According to this passage, why would God provide blessings where they aren’t deserved? 

  • In what ways has God rescued, blessed, or provided for you, even when you didn’t deserve it? Have you given Him glory (thanks, praise) for these situations? [If not, do it now!]