The Prodigal Son: Our Compassionate God

Isaiah 30:18 | So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help.’

  • Just like the lost son’s father, what is God the Father waiting for us to do when we’re far from Him in sin?

  • When God’s people turn to Him, what two things does He show them?

  • How did the lost son’s father show him love and compassion? How has God shown you love and compassion in this way?

When we turn from our sin to God, His love and compassion leads to blessing — We know his love and grace and He uses us as part of His work. Check this out in the life of Peter who as we saw yesterday, felt unworthy of Jesus because of his failure—-

Luke 5:10b | Jesus replied to Simon [Peter], “Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!”

  • Instead of leaving Peter because of his mistake, how does Jesus show Him love and compassion?

  • How does God want to use you as a fisher of people? How can your mistakes help you point others to Jesus?