Jesus loved God by obeying Him: Obedience without limits

Philippians 2:8 | He humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

  • Who is Philippians 2:8 speaking of? 

  • How was Jesus’ death on the cross and act of obedience to God the Father? 

  • How did Jesus’ obedience require humility – or looking at others as more important than Himself? 

    • Who did Jesus put first? 

    • Who did He put last? 

  • How does your obedience to God’s commands (to love Him and love others), require humility? 

    • Look at your own obedience and where you’re struggling to obey God (or with sin). 

      • Is your pride part of what is making obedience difficult? In what ways? 

      • Who do you need to consider as more important than yourself so that you can choose obedience instead of sin? 

        • What, if anything, is stopping you from doing this?