Samuel: Hearing and Following God

Last week, we looked at Samson, who was Israel’s final judge in the book of Judges. But right after that time, a man named Samuel is raised by God to serve as the last judge (1st Samuel 7:5-6, 15-16) and the anointer of the kings (1st Samuel 10 & 16) who would rule over God’s people in the judges’ place. He was also the first prophet (1st Samuel 3:20) and a Nazarite (1st Samuel 1:11) like Samson. 

Samuel’s birth was miraculous (1st Samuel 1:1-20) and his place as an important man in Israel began when he was very young! You see, when his mother Hannah couldn’t have children, she prayed to God asking for a son. She promised that the boy, if given to her by God, would be given back to Him. 

1st Samuel 1:11b | He will be yours for his entire lifetime…

God gives Hannah a son and just as she promised, when the boy was old enough, she brought the boy to Eli, the priest.

1st Samuel 1:26-28 | “Sir, do you remember me?” Hannah asked. “I am the very woman who stood here several years ago praying to the Lord. I asked the Lord to give me this boy, and he has granted my request. Now I am giving him to the Lord, and he will belong to the Lord his whole life.” And they worshiped the Lord there.

As Samuel grew older, he remained in the temple with Eli. The Bible explains—

1st Samuel 3:1 | Meanwhile, the boy Samuel served the Lord by assisting Eli. Now in those days messages from the Lord were very rare, and visions were quite uncommon.

People weren’t hearing from God very often. It made what happened next especially unique—

One night, after Samuel and Eli have gone to bed, Samuel hears someone calling his name. 

1st Samuel 3:5 | He got up and ran to Eli. “Here I am. Did you call me?” “I didn’t call you,” Eli replied. “Go back to bed.” So he did.

Then, Samuel hears his voice called again. 

1st Samuel 3:6b | Again Samuel got up and went to Eli. “Here I am. Did you call me?” “I didn’t call you, my son,” Eli said. “Go back to bed.”

Once again, Samuel hears his name called a third time. Again, he runs to Eli and —

1st Samuel 3:8b-10 | Then Eli realized it was the Lord who was calling the boy. So he said to Samuel, “Go and lie down again, and if someone calls again, say, ‘Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went back to bed. And the Lord came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening.”

Then, the Lord spoke, giving his message to Samuel. You see, the first three times, it was still the Lord speaking to Samuel. But only when Samuel responded to God by being ready to listen did the Lord give instruction. 

The Lord gives Samuel hard news for Eli and even though Samuel is afraid to tell him the news, he faithfully delivers the Lord’s message. The Lord continues using Samuel like the judges and the future prophets, giving him messages for God’s people. 

1st Samuel 3:19 | As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him, and everything Samuel said proved to be reliable. 

God would use Samuel to lead the Israelites and their kings back to Himself.

Imagine if Samuel never stopped and said to the Lord, “speak, your servant is listening.” How would Samuel’s life have changed? Samuel was willing to hear from God, no matter the message and He delivered God’s message faithfully, even when it was difficult. 

Do you have the attitude of Samuel? Do you listen for God’s instruction, slowing down long enough to say, ‘speak Lord, your servant is listening?’ When He does speak, do you recognize His voice? And then, do you follow His lead?

The Old Testament says—

1st Samuel 3:20 | And all Israel, from Dan in the north to Beersheba in the south, knew that Samuel was confirmed as a prophet of the Lord.

They knew that Samuel heard from and followed the Lord. As a result, they could trust the messages he delivered and could follow him when he led them God’s way. 

Because God’s followers now have the Holy Spirit, it’s not just judges and prophets who are led by God. In fact, being led by God is a sign that you are His follower—

Romans 8:14 | For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. 

You don’t have to be a judge, Nazarite, or prophet to hear God speak and to follow His lead. Like Samuel, listen for God’s instructions. Tell him, ‘speak Lord, your servant is listening.’

God’s followers hear God’s voice and follow His instructions, just like Samuel did.

  • What are some unique or special things about Samuel?

  • Samuel marked a transition or change in the way God’s people were led.

    • Who led God’s people before Samuel?

    • Who led God’s people after Samuel?

    • How did Samuel know how to lead God’s people through this transition?

  • Who now leads God’s people?

  • Learning from Samuel’s example, how can you be sure you are hearing and following God’s instructions?