Long Days...
At first, it seems, everyone was thankful for the break; evidence, perhaps, that we all run ourselves a bit too ragged under normal circumstances. As the weeks pass, however, you can see signs of the quarantine beginning to wear on people. When our world becomes forcibly smaller we can feel that we have less purpose. However, though our circumstances have changed somewhat, our purpose has not. You have the same purpose today that you had months ago. The question is: have you forgotten?
Your main purpose is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know this sounds simplistic, but it is your singular mission if you know the Lord. We may be forced to be a bit more creative, but we can still engage this calling. Continue to look for ways to reach out to a lost world with the love of Christ through a phone call, text, email or act of kindness (providing groceries to a needy family, dropping off a gift card for an unemployed neighbor, etc.).
We are also called to be people that study the Word of God so we know how to handle it properly and can be ready “in season and out of season” to share hope with those around us. Are you using the gift of time you’ve been given to study the Word of God? Spend time memorizing Scripture, learn to whom and for what purpose a book of the Bible was written, teach your children stories and Biblical principles, challenge them with Bible trivia, or schedule a zoom call with your friends or grandkids to talk about things God is teaching you. Don’t waste this time on trivial things and miss the chance to know your Bible better!
Lastly, among other things, we are called to be passionate about doing good deeds. These good deeds have nothing to do with securing our salvation, but they have everything to do with demonstrating our salvation to those around us. Do you know a healthcare professional that could use some encouragement? Could you start a list of people to pray for every day? Leave a note for your mailman or delivery person thanking them for their service, or ask the Lord to show you something you could do for someone around you. I always find that getting my eyes off of myself and focusing on other people helps me to maintain joy in my heart even in trying times.
Don’t grow weary of doing well, dear sisters. This season shall soon pass and we will find ourselves once again with much to consume our time. Let this time be invested well and make the most of every day.
See you soon!
Erin Morris
Director of Women’s Ministry