What am I made of?
Trial has a way of bringing to the surface what we're really made of and revealing our character and priorities both to ourselves and to those around us. When trial hits we either run to or run from the Lord and it separates the pretenders from those that are genuine.
Matthew 13 tells a familiar story about seed sown in soil that falls in various places. For some of us, we are like the rocky soil. We hear the Word of God, we take joy in it, but we don't have any actual root in and of ourselves. Our faith depends on the faith of those around us so when trying times come, when we no longer have someone to spoon feed us the Bible, we fall away and seek truth no more. Bibles are left on the shelf, no prayers are offered to heaven and we quickly forget all things spiritual. If someone doesn't do it for us, we don't do it at all.
Others of us hear the truth of Scripture and receive it, but we live lives that are so busy pursuing this world that the truth is unfruitful in our lives. We don't grow, we don't change and we certainly don't reach anyone with the Gospel because our lives disturbingly similar to those of the world. We find ways to keep ourselves busy all day long with things of no eternal value and, while we might know the Lord, our lives do not depict it.
The last group mentioned are those who not only hear the truth and understand it, but who also bear fruit. These people continue to grow and make disciples even under duress. The Scripture is a priority to them and they continue to study it with or without being able to gather as the church. These people have built their lives on a firm foundation and are not shaken. They have peace and joy even in trial because their hope cannot be stolen by circumstances. Their faith is real and genuine and flourishes in any scenario.
Which one are you?