Be Kind
Be kind. It’s such a simple phrase to understand and, at times, so incredibly difficult to execute. No matter how many times we hear the command, it could alway be reiterated because, if we’re being honest, kindness isn’t our default attitude. Our default response, more often reflects selfishness, rudeness, impatience and bitterness. Kindness is something we have to work on and it’s much easier to return kindness to those who are kind to us. It is incredibly more difficult, miraculous even, to walk in kindness toward those who have wounded or wronged us in some way.
Yet, for those of us who know Christ, this is our command. Over and over we are told we ought to be kind to all. It’s an attitude we deliberately choose to put on, like an article of clothing, and it is something we should display to everyone in all situations. How can we not do so when God has shown such kindness to us? Romans 2:4 reminds us, “Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?” God acted in kindness toward us when we were wretched, vile sinners at enmity with Him and it was the kindness of His sacrifice that made our salvation possible.
If God has so richly lavished us with His kindness, how can we not extend that to others? Today, as you go about your many tasks and encounter people of varying personalities, remember these two words: Be Kind.