What is Truth?

At the trial of Jesus Pilate asks a provocative question: "What is truth?"  The question rings through the ages and confronts us still today.  Many people feel they can determine their own truth or can decide what is true based on experience or intellect.  Culture encourages a subjective truth as it proclaims your “truth” can be different from my “truth.” However, if “truth” can be arrived at individually, if it is subjective, is it truth at all?

We live in a world where doctrines are invented based on what we want to be true and what feels good to our flesh.  If we approach truth this way, we can be sure it is false.  With so many conflicting beliefs and ideas, how then can we discern truth from lies?  What is our basis for discovering truth?  Is it our intellect?  Our experiences? Our friends?  Or does our source of truth come from somewhere greater, something that transcends ourselves? 

What is true can be known and understood if we are willing to throw off our presuppositions and idolatrous desires and truly search for it.  That which is true stands independent of our ideas, emotions and even our experiences and is rooted firmly in the Word of God and the person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the TRUTH and the life.” (John 14:6)  He is the essence of all things true.  He cannot lie.  His Word can be relied upon and should be followed as absolute fact.  There are times the truth of Scripture will confront our false doctrine, false beliefs, false traditions and false idols.  It is then that we have a choice.  Will we accept what is true as set forth in the Word of God, or will we try to create our own version of truth, turn aside to myths, and heap up teachers for ourselves in accordance with our evil desires?  (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

Erin Morris