The Pursuit of Wisdom
In Proverbs chapter two, we see a beautiful description of the value of wisdom. This chapter describes wisdom as a beautiful treasure that we are to search diligently for, actively applying her to our hearts. Proverbs 2:3 instructs us to literally "cry out for discernment, and to lift up our voices for understanding (wisdom).”
This verse gives me the chills as I think of how God is able to move in my heart when I use my voice to cry out for discernment and understanding, instead of voicing my complaints and grumblings.
My grumblings with my children.
In my marriage.
At work.
In school.
With crazy neighbors.
Let's jump way ahead in Scripture to James 3:17. Here we see what godly wisdom actually looks like, a checklist of what we should be comparing ourselves to. It shows us what we are to be crying out and searching diligently for.
"But the wisdom that is from above is first:
then Peaceable,
Willing to Yield (Ouch! That's humbling- especially in relationships.)
Full of Mercy,
Full of Good Fruits,
Without Partiality,
WIthout Hypocrisy."
I encourage you to re read that list slowly. How do your actions, words, and thoughts measure up to that list? In the places we fall short, we are able to cry out to the Lord asking Him to help us grow in those areas and become wise women. As we allow the Lord to sift out the garbage in our fleshly emotions, we find the gold treasure pieces of wisdom as a rich replacement! Let the Lord encourage your heart in your pursuit of wisdom. Cry out to Him for discernment and understanding where you lack it and He has promised to grant it to you.