I don’t know why but I woke up with the word “dust” in my head. I was thinking about how we are formed from dust and will eventually return to dust. Our bones are put in the ground and will eventually disintegrate back into the earth. I think this came to mind because I was reading about Lazarus - the dead man that Jesus made come back to life!
In Genesis 2:7, we read about how God created man. God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils. Everything else created, the Lord spoke into existence. Except man - man he made differently. I read recently the thought that the Lord could have chosen any substance to form us out of here on earth, but he chose the humble and lowly substance of dust. We are weak and fragile humans who need the Power of God - His breath of life to keep us going. He puts the very breath into our lungs moment by moment for our entire lives.
I often think to myself that I am held together by His grace, and I really am. Without His Breath, Spirit, and Power- I am only dust. I am a dead woman walking without Him.
My dusty self will eventually make its way back to the ground from which it was formed. In the meantime we are reminded of how short this life is and what our state is everytime we clean a surface in our homes. I dust around my house, and a week later I need to do it again! The annoying film that plagues our dressers and surfaces is primarily made up of dead skin cells. Think about the picture that paints for us - our humanly bodies will continue to decay - however, our eternal hope lies in Jesus.
Romans 1:20 tells us, “...since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” We are without excuse when it comes to acknowledging God. God chose to create us differently, so that we have free will to either accept or reject His plan for Salvation. We are created from the dust, which is cursed with sin. But God, who is rich in mercy, also gave us life. He sent us His only Son, Jesus Christ, to break the curse and give us life abundantly. I was made from dust and to dust I will return. However, He will raise me with a new body. I was born perishable, dusty, and dirty, but He is Faithful to raise me imperishable and clean solely because of Jesus. I am sealed with The Holy Spirit of Promise.
Thank you, God!