Belt of truth: Truth hidden in your heart

Psalm 119:11 | I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

  • What does it mean to “hide God’s Word in your heart”? How is this done? 

  • How did Jesus use the Scriptures hidden in His heart to guard against sin? 

  • How can hiding God’s Word in your heart keep you from sin? How can you use Scripture when temptation comes?

  • What parts of God’s Word are hidden in your heart? In other words, what are some verses you’ve memorized or parts of Scripture that are precious to you? 

  • Think about the specific temptations you face often. What verses could fight against them? If they aren’t yet memorized, begin memorizing them today! [Try posting them on your mirror, fridge, the dash of your car, around your bedroom, at your desk at work/locker at school, as the lock screen of your phone, or write them on an index card and carry it in your pocket!]