Posts tagged Its Go Time
It's Go time: You are the light of the World

There was no time to waste for Jesus and friends, there’s no time for us to waste either!! Right before he heals the blind man, Jesus says to the disciples —

John 9:5 | “But while I am here in the world, I am the light of the world.”

During his 33 years on Earth, Jesus was the light that shone in the dark world so that people everywhere without hope in their hearts would turn to Him. But then, He left. He returned to Heaven. Before He did, He said—

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It’s Go Time!

The Bible teaches us that this Earth won’t last forever. One day, Jesus will come back and all of this will be gone. That will be an exciting time for God’s followers, but knowing that Jesus could return at any time and that we don’t know how much time we really have here on Earth should make us want to GO!! Not go like leave, but GO like get into action!! There’s no time to waste and this week, we’re going to prepare to go and we’ll actually see that we’ve already been sent.

Join us as we Get Ready. Get Set. Go!

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